The extension of the transnational World Heritage serial site of Ancient and Primeval Beech Forests of the Carpathians and Other Regions of Europe by ten European countries adds to the outstanding universal value and integrity of the property, which now comprises 94 component parts across 18 countries. The extended property represents an outstanding example of relatively undisturbed, complex temperate forests and exhibit a wide spectrum of comprehensive ecological patterns and processes of pure and mixed stands of European beech across a variety of environmental conditions"
Have collected - Albania, Austria, Croatia, Germany, Italy, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Ukraine
Source: UNESCO World Heritage
Have collected - Albania, Austria, Croatia, Germany, Italy, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Ukraine
Missing Countries:
- Belgium (Sonian Forests)
- Belgium (Sonian Forests)
- Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Bulgaria
- Bulgaria
- Czechia
- France
- North Macedonia
- Serbia
- Slovenia
- Slovenia
- Switzerland

Postcard 1 - Albania
Gashi River of Valbone, Albania. Thanks to Boris of Spain who visited Albania and mailed this postcard from Spain with additional Albania stamp.
Postcard 2 - AUSTRIA
Wildnisgebiet Durrenstein, untouched forest of endangered species in eastern Austria. Thanks to Patrik of Estonia.
Postcard 3A - GERMANY - Edersee National Park
Aerial view of the Edersee - old beech forests. Thanks to Marcel of Germany.

Postcard 3B - GERMANY - Jasmund National Park
Jasmund National Park, Rugen Island, Germany. Thanks to Corinna of Germanay.

Postcard 4A - Italy
Foresta Umbra is the Italian site for this European transboundary UNESCO World Heritage of Primeval Beech Forests. Thanks to Irene of Genoa, Italy.
Postcard 4B - Italy
Another different view of Foresta Umbra. Thanks again to Irene of Genoa, Italy.
Primeval Beech Forests of Slovakia and Ukraine. Thanks to Inigo of Spain.
Postcard 5B - SLOVAKIA
'Karpatske Bukove Lesy - Primevel Beech Forests of Caparthians. Thanks to Lubo of Slovakia.
Postcard 6 - SPAIN - Posada De Valdeon Leon
Beech forests of Posada de Valdeon, Leon, Spain. Thanks to Javier of Spain.
Postcard 8 - POLAND - Westlina Beech Forest
Wetlina, Poland has the ancient beech forest that is insribed as UNESCO World Heritage. Thanks to Bodexs of Poland. Arrived in Penang on October 28, 2021.

Postcard 9 - ROMANIA - Codrul Secular Slatioara
Multi-view of Codrul Secula Slatioara - one of the ancient and primeval beech forests of the Carpathians and other regions of Europe. A transnational UNESCO World Heritage site. Thanks to Elena of Romania.

Multi-view of Codrul Secula Slatioara - one of the ancient and primeval beech forests of the Carpathians and other regions of Europe. A transnational UNESCO World Heritage site. Thanks to Elena of Romania.

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