Serbia - Medieval Monuments in Kosovo

"The four edifices of the site reflect the high points of the Byzantine-Romanesque ecclesiastical culture, with its distinct style of wall painting, which developed in the Balkans between the 13th and 17th centuries. The Dečani Monastery was built in the mid-14th century for the Serbian king Stefan Dečanski and is also his mausoleum. The Patriarchate of Peć Monastery is a group of four domed churches featuring series of wall paintings. The 13th-century frescoes of the Church of Holy Apostles are painted in a unique, monumental style. Early 14th-century frescoes in the church of the Holy Virgin of Ljevisa represent the appearance of the new so-called Palaiologian Renaissance style, combining the influences of the eastern Orthodox Byzantine and the Western Romanesque traditions. The style played a decisive role in subsequent Balkan art." 

Source: UNESCO World Heritage

- Dečani Monastery, Kosovo, Serbia
- Patriarchate of Peć Monastery, Peć, Kosovo
- Gračanica Monastery, Priština, Kosovo
- Church of the Virgin of Leviša, Prizren, Kosovo

Postcard 1 - Decani Monastery
Church of Ascension of Christ - Visoki Decani Monastery of Kosovo. Thanks to Lilia of Bulgaria who visited this monastery and sent this postcard from Kosovo. Mailed on July 7, 2011 and arrived in Penang on July 12, 2011.

Postcard 2A - Patriarchate of Pec
Stavropigial Monastery Patriarchate of Peć, Kosovo. Thanks to Zuzuna of Czech Republic who visited this monastery in Kosovo.

Postcard 2B - Patriarchate of Pec
Serbian Patriarchate of Peć - maxicard . Thanks to Jean-Pierre of France who visited Serbia. Received in August 2019.

Postcard 3A - Monastery of Gracanica
Exterior view of Monastery of Gracanica, Pristina, Kosovo. Nice stamp of United Nations Adminstration Kosovo stamp used. Thanks to Grete of UK who was visiting Kosovo.

Postcard 3B - Monastery of Gracanica 
Another  view postcard of Gracanica Monastery which is located in the Serb enclave of Grancanica in Kosovo. Thanks to Michael for mailing from Kosovo.

Postcard 3C - King Milutin, founder of Monastery Gracanica
Three postcards of murals inside the Gracanica Monastery, Kosovo. Thanks to Grete of UK who was visiting.

Postcard 3D - St. John Baptiste, 14th century fresco, Monastery Gracanica

Postcard 3E  - Sveti Ratnik XIV, Monastery Gracanica

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