Russia - Historic Monuments of Novgorod and Surroundings

"Situated on the ancient trade route between Central Asia and northern Europe, Novgorod was Russia's first capital in the 9th century. Surrounded by churches and monasteries, it was a centre for Orthodox spirituality as well as Russian architecture. Its medieval monuments and the 14th-century frescoes of Theophanes the Greek (Andrei Rublev's teacher) illustrate the development of its remarkable architecture and cultural creativity." 

Source: UNESCO World Heritage

Postcard 1
St. Sophia of Novgorod. Thanks to Anya of Russia.

Postcard 2
View of Velikiy Novgorod along the bank of Volkhov River showing the Companile and Cathedral of St. Sophia and the Tower of Kremlin Wall. Nice stamps used. Thanks to Natalia of Russia.

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